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Search reply templates



This endpoint lets you browse through all your reply templates.


Query Parameters

    lang locale

    Default value: en

    Get results in a specific language

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Page of items to fetch

    per_page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Number of items per page.

    positive boolean

    Filter on templates made to answer positive reviews (ex from 4 to 5 stars on gmb).

    neutral boolean

    Filter on templates made to answer neutral reviews (ex 3 stars on gmb).

    negative boolean

    Filter on templates made to answer negative reviews (ex from 1 to 2 stars on gmb).

    title_query string

    Filter on templates based on their title

    text_query string

    Filter on templates based on their text



    page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Current page

    max_page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Max page based on current per_page value and count

    count integerrequired

    Default value: 0

    Number of items per page.




  • Array [

  • id numberrequired

    Template id

    org_id number

    Organisation id

    update_date string

    Template update date

    creation_date string

    Template creation date

    language string

    Available language in the application

    title string

    Template title

    text string

    The content of the reply template.

    Placeholders are recognisable within the text by this exact markup @[](name_of_the_placeholder). Where name_of_the_placeholder is the value field taken from the GET placeholders operation.

    Example of usable placeholder values: client_full_name, client_first_name, business_name, my_first_name.

    negative boolean

    Template is made for negative reviews (ex from 1 to 2 stars on gmb)

    neutral boolean

    Template is made for neutral reviews (ex 3 stars on gmb)

    positive boolean

    Template is made for positive reviews (ex from 4 to 5 stars on gmb)

  • ]
