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Search for reviews



This endpoint lets you search for the reviews of your businesses.

To access the reviews of a business you need to have READ access on it. The response is paginated (30 results per page).


Query Parameters

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Page of items to fetch

    per_page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Number of items per page.

    business__in string[]

    Filter by business

    business__notin string[]

    Filter by all allowed businesses except the ones given in

    content__isnull boolean

    Filter by review's content

    If set to true, the endpoint will return all the reviews without content.

    update_date__gte date-time

    Filter by update_date

    Return all the reviews whose update_date >= given_date.

    For example : update_date__gte=2019-01-01T00:00:00 will return all reviews from the first January of 2019 until today.

    Note : The update dates are stored in UTC.

    Example: 2019-01-01T00:00:00
    keywords string[]

    Filter by keywords

    Return all the reviews with not-nullable content, that contain the provided list of keywords.

    Note: This is the content of the review and not the content of the reply.

    The filter accepts both simple and composed words. To indicate it's a composed keyword, add the + as separator. For example:

    • keywords=bonjour returns all reviews containing the keyword bonjour
    • keywords=good+service returns all reviews containing the combined keyword good service, without splitting the keyword. No reviews containing just good or just service will be returned.
    • keywords=bonjour,good+service: returns all reviews that contain either just bonjour, either just good service or both keywords at the same time.
    Example: [bonjour, good+service]
    update_date__lte date-time

    Filter by update_date

    Return all the reviews whose update_date <= given_date.

    For example : update_date__lte=2020-01-01T00:00:00 will return all reviews from the date of the first review until the first january of 2020.

    Note : The update dates are stored in UTC.

    Example: 2020-01-01T00:00:00
    order_by string

    Where object is either a dimension or a metric and is used in the request. At most one in the list. - before a field to order_by DESC, nothing for ASC

    Example: -queries_direct
    partner__in string[]

    Possible values: [google_my_business, facebook, tripadvisor]

    Filter by publisher

    gmb_rating__in number[]

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Filter only by Google ratings

    tripadvisor_rating__in number[]

    Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Filter only by Tripadvisor ratings

    recommended__in boolean[]

    Filter only by Facebook recommendation

    state__in string[]

    Possible values: [treated, not_treated, deleted]

    Filter by state



    page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Current page

    max_page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Max page based on current per_page value and count

    count integerrequired

    Default value: 0

    Number of items per page.




  • Array [

  • id integerrequired
    key string
    org_id integer

    Organisation id

    business_id string

    Business id

    partner string

    Possible values: [google_my_business, facebook, tripadvisor]

    partner_id string

    Review id on publisher

    author_name string

    The author name of the review.

    Note: Replies don't have an author.

    date date-time

    Review update date

    update_date date-time

    Review update date

    delete_date date-time

    Review deletion date

    rating integer

    Possible values: <= 5

    Review rating (can be null)

    recommended boolean

    Review recommended

    title string

    Review title

    content string

    Review body content

    state string

    Possible values: [treated, not_treated, deleted]

    Reply state

    link string

    Link to review on publisher platform



  • Array [

  • id integerrequired
    partner_id string

    Comment id on publisher

    author_name string

    The author name of the review.

    Note: Replies don't have an author.

    date date-time

    Comment update date

    created date-time

    Comment creation date

    content string

    Comment body content

    can_edit boolean

    If the current user can or cannot edit a reply

    Note: This applies on Facebook replies only. A reply left by an external user on Facebook cannot be edited.

    review_id integer

    Review id

    parent_id integer

    Parent comment id

  • ]

  • ]
